How I went from helping people in a small community to helping people like you all over the world.

Before there was a business and a podcast. Before there was helping and educating nurses, providers and patients… there was a non-satisfied-pharmacist girl.

Eager to please, and eager to help as many patients and providers as possible.

Desperate for approval.

Scared to death of making it  on her own, no matter how many times she said:  I can do it, there is more people out there that need my help!

Hard-work + Years of Experience =
Unconventional Way to Practice Pharmacy

As you might know I am a clinical pharmacist (for 26+ years!) and I LOVE to talk… (most of the time too much, I know!!!)…. Anyways, if I can talk about pharmacy there is nobody to stop me…

So, I decided to start a podcast!  YES, a podcast! My OWN place to talk!!! 

The original idea was to talk about all related to pharmacy and pharmacist, but it quickly changed to what you wanted to learn, and that is general medical health information form experts from all over the world.

Here you will find information about menopause, diabetes, children’s non-prescription medications, bladder health, medical insurance (for the USA listeners only) among other topics that might be relevant to you. 

Oooops, I almost forgot to tell you why the name of the site.

Well at this point you know that the name is The Legal Drug Dealer and that is because I deal drugs legally.

Funny, Right?!

I had no doubts of my passion…

Taking care of people is always been my thing… And when it comes to my patients, I consider and treat them as if they were family: my grandma, my mother, my husband, my dad, my sisters and brothers or my kids.

The same dedication, love and care that I provide to my own family, I’ve been providing to my patients. 

Most of the time, when I talk to my patients and their families, they are in a vulnerable position and the fear of the unknown is what drives them.

Because they feel alone, scared and afraid. They do not always understand what is happening or what to expect and even worse, what are they supposed to remember, after their visit with their health care provider.

So, I always try my best to smile for them, listen to them, answers their questions and provide as much care and support as I can.

So, their fear goes away (maybe just a little bit) and they understand every step of what is happening and why.

But My Profession Was Not Appreciated…

Because I know for a fact, that most of my patients did not know what I (as a pharmacist) could do for them.

And I also know that most of my colleagues have the same experience.

I decided to be outspoken and  tell the world every chance that I get about what pharmacist do, and how we can help them. 

I invite you to listen to the chats I have on the podcast while you learn about medical information.

And if what you learn is important for those that you care about, tell them about it. Help me spread the information, because I cant do it all alone.

I promise that I will try my best to bring you lots of information while we have fun, pinky promise!


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